The Impact of the Media on the Construction of Punitive Power from a Historical Perspective. The Case of “La Voz del Interior” (1904-1908)
The Punitive Power carried out by the executive agencies of the State is often conditioned by the Media Power which, through its discourses, can mediate in the interpretation of reality, limit its knowledge and distort the events it reports. On the other hand, we find two degrees of criminalization, the primary one, which is the one carried out by the legislator when typifying a crime, and the secondary one, which is the one carried out by the executive agencies at the time of selecting the persons who carry out these typical conducts. Of course, this selection is not carried out at random, or at least it should not be, but is the result of the management of a set of state agencies that make up the criminal system. In this article we will try to highlight these issues using as a documentary source the newspaper La Voz del Interior in its first years of circulation in the streets of Córdoba (1904-1908). The main objective of this article is none other than to find out if there was any kind of implication between media criminalization and the application of punitive power by executive agencies.
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